The principles of our facility Mhost Bronowice during the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland,
based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Development in consultation with GIS, 28.04.2020

The goal of the implemented procedures is:
- Increasing safety and health protection for employees (service) of guests at the Mhost Bronowice facility.
- Minimizing the risk of infecting guests and other people from outside.
- Limiting the number of contacts on the premises within a given time interval, as part of protection against the risk of infection.
- Comprehensive operation adapted to the stage of advancement of the epidemic state.
The guidelines are divided into three parts:
- Ensuring security in the facility.
- Ensuring the safety of employees / staff.
- Procedures to be followed when a coronavirus infection is suspected.
Ensuring security in the hotel facility
- We put in a prominent place before the entrance to the facility information about the maximum number of guests who can be at a time in a given part of the facility.
- We have placed dispensers with liquid hand disinfectants available to guests in the main hall
- We provided protective masks.
- We have posted instructions for sanitary and hygienic facilities for washing hands, removing and putting on gloves, removing and putting on a mask, and for dispensers with disinfectant liquid - instructions for proper hand disinfection.
- We provided equipment and means as well as monitoring of daily cleaning works, with particular emphasis on disinfecting touch surfaces - handrails, door handles, light switches, handles, chair handrails and flat surfaces, including tops in work rooms.
- We observe the required spatial distance between staff and guests (minimum 2 meters).
- We have set and control the maximum number of guests in the facility.
- We have introduced an absolute ban on people not accommodated there.
- We disinfect on a regular basis, general toilets, elevators, reception desk (after each guest), door handles, handrails, handles, telephones, devices in social rooms and other frequently touched surfaces.
- We dose professional cleaning agents precisely.
- We have limited the routine cleaning of rooms, which is only at the request of the guest.
- After each guest, we clean the room and disinfect all touch surfaces (including chair backs), equipment (e.g. remote controls) and bathrooms, as well as thoroughly cleaning the room.
- Housekeeping is equipped and adheres to the use of masks and disposable gloves. We wash bedding and towels at a minimum temperature of 60 ºC with the addition of detergent. Washing and its delivery is in the sanitary regime.
- Whenever possible, all rooms in the building will be systematic.
- We have designated and prepared (including equipped with personal protective equipment and disinfectant liquid) a room in which it will be possible to temporarily isolate a person in the event of disease symptoms.
- We prepared and placed the necessary telephone numbers for the sanitary-epidemiological station and medical services in the lobby.
Ensuring safety of service
- We ensure work safety in accordance with applicable law (maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 m).
- We have equipped the facility with personal protection equipment, including masks, disposable gloves and hand disinfectants.
- We have introduced recommendations for service:
- Before starting work, immediately after coming to work, it is mandatory to wash your hands with soap and water
- Wear a nose and mouth protection, possibly a visor and protective gloves when performing duties
- Keep a safe distance from the interlocutor and colleagues (2 meters recommended)
- Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water according to the instructions at the sink and disinfect dry hands with an alcohol-based agent (min. 60%)
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or handkerchief - throw the handkerchief into a closed basket as soon as possible and wash your hands
- Try not to touch the face, especially the lips, nose and eyes
- Make every effort to keep workplaces clean and hygienic, especially after the end of the work day.
- Regularly (several times a day) clean common areas with which guests come into contact, e.g. entrance door handles, handrails, tops, chair backs.
- Avoid commuting by public transport if this is possible
4.We provide ventilation of all rooms, if possible.
5.We limit the meetings to the necessary minimum while maintaining the distance between persons recommended by the sanitary services (minimum 2 m); we also use telephone and e-mail contact.
- We have prepared procedures in case of suspected infection and infection
- We have prepared procedures to be followed in the event of a suspected infection situation and effective instruction of employees.
- To reduce people-to-people contacts, we use to communicate, among others telephones, e-mail etc.
Procedures in the event of a suspected coronavirus infection in the person / client
- In the event of clear signs of illness such as persistent cough, malaise, difficulty in breathing, the guest should not be allowed into the property. He should be instructed to report to the nearest infectious ward as soon as possible in order to consult a doctor by going there by his own transport or by notifying 999 or 112.
- If the guest lives in the facility - temporarily isolating him in a dedicated room, notifying the medical dispatcher of suspected infection and reporting the incident to the management of the facility, which will allow the staff to determine the area in which the person was moving and staying, conducting routine cleaning in accordance with the facility's procedures and disinfecting touch surfaces (door handles, handrails, handles, etc.).
- Establishing a list of employees and clients (if possible) present at the same time in the part / parts of the facility in which the client was staying, and a recommendation to follow the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector available at gov.pl/web/koronawirus/ and gis. gov.pl referring to people who have had contact with the infected.
- Suspending the reception of guests, notifying the local poviat sanitary-epidemiological station and strictly following the instructions and instructions given.
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